
a man and a woman talking to each other

What potential do you feel in yourself that is not yet here?

Where do you feel blocked, stuck, or trapped in your life?

I support individuals and leaders to heal, grow, and develop into higher versions of themselves and fully give their gift to the world.

I work with you in an experiential way to develop skills and practices for sustained joy, efficiency, connection, well-being, and balance in both leadership and in life.

Engagement Options: 

I work in a six to twelve-month personalized containers in which you are supported in aligning your life to serve from a place of restful authenticity. It combines deep inner work as well as clarifying and actualizing your vision in professional and personal domains.

Group Coaching: 
I also run small group coaching pods. This is an opportunity to clarify direction and grow skills with live support from Spencer in a dynamic group of 4-6 peers.

Please use the button below to reach out and set up a time to speak.

Reach out to connect:

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